Tips, tricks, experiments to increase your video sales.



The purpose of this article is to give you some tips on how to increase your video sell-through and experiments you can perform to increase video sell-through.  We will focus on how to create more video sales opportunities at different touch-points throughout your customer’s journey. A touchpoint is defined as a point of contact or interaction, especially between a business and its customers.

Employee Word of Mouth:

Each time your customer interacts with an employee, there is an opportunity to show them your video and photos offerings and where to purchase them. 

For example, when customers first arrives, your ticketing staff could mention that they highly recommend getting a video of their ride, that they can take payment now or after the ride. Some helpful things to say that could influence a purchase:

  • It’s just fun to see yourself, kids, or loved ones smile after the ride.

  • It’s a fantastic way to remember your day with your loved ones and friends.

  • It’s a memorable gift to your kids or loved ones and they will have a blast watching it.

  • It’s perfect for social media posts and getting lots of views.

  • It’s a thoughtful way to share the experience with those who weren’t able to be there, like grandma and grandpa or far away friends or relatives

Additionally there could be a TV playing sample videos or a montage behind the ticket or media desk to help people get excited and start thinking if they want a video. 

If your location is filming all customers, as customers board the ride, your staff can tell them to smile for the camera. They will surely want to see the video if they do something they think is funny.

When they get off the ride, the attendant can let the customer know where to go next to purchase a video.

These subtle nudges can help guide people towards the video booth while not coming across as pushy or too aggressive. After all, you want your guests to enjoy themselves, not feel like they’re a target.

High Visibility Video Sales Booth

When customers see other customers buying videos and getting instant gratification from watching their video, it influences the other customers to also want to buy a video. This is why it is important to have your video sales booth in a highly visible and accessible location. People should instinctively know that after their ride the next stop is the videos or photos booth.

Showing examples and montage:

When your employees ask “would you like to buy a video” the customers have no idea what they will be getting; Will they need to edit it later? Does it take 24 hours to receive? Is it low quality? This is why it is so important to show your customers what they are buying, and that it will be worth it for them. One way to do this is having TV displays in various locations that show example footage, an eye-catching montage of customers or even an advertisement. 

You can make your own promotional video or, use the Revl X onboarding app’s dedicated preview mode to display the most recent 10 videos. The onboarding app works on iPhone, iPad, and can be wirelessly streamed from another device to the TV or connected to a TV directly with a lighting-to-HDMI connector.

Signage and Way-finding: 

Having good signage and way-finding is important to help guide your customers off their ride and into the video sales booth. Otherwise they might not find it or walk right past it. You could paint footprints or arrows on the ground, mount signs, add bright lights, a guided pathway, etc. You could even make video sales a part of the ticket process, so everyone gets asked if they want a video. 

Social Media:

If you have a social media accounts with high number of followers it is greatly recommended to announce that new video system has been installed alongside promotional video or sample video. It might trigger someone to return or recommend your location to a friend over a competitor. Zip World, one of our partners, posed on facebook about one of their ziplines, Titan, getting a new video system, and multiple people commented on the post saying they should go back or they really want to go there.

Experiments you can try:

The Revl X system can be flexible. You can test selling videos before the ride, after, or both. 

You can experiment with business models too, for example if you have an all-inclusive package or a day pass, you could include a video in there for “free” to help sell your day passes or all-inclusive packages. This is an added incentive for your customers to purchase your premium passes.

Another idea is to offer an “unlimited” video package where customers can get unlimited videos on their rides for a set price. Figuring out the right pricing for this is fairly easy but requires some experimentation. You start by calculating the number of videos the person would get or how many times they ride, then add the desired profits on top of the video service costs.  

You can further experiment with the price of your videos to optimize for maximum profits, maybe it’s better to offer them at a lower price to increase the volume of videos (sell-through rate). Finding the right price that makes sense to people will take some time and experimentation. Higher volume tends to result in higher revenues in many cases, so lowering the price might be a great thing to test. 

For example, let’s say you start selling at $15 for a video, and only 1 out of 3 people buy it (sell-through rate is ⅓ = 33%). You make $15 for every 3 customers. But if you lower it to $10 and then 2 out of 3 customers buy it (sell-through rate is ⅔ = 66%), you make $20 for every 3 customers. That is a 33% increase in revenue.

Some places even include the video in the cost of the ticket and pass the video service costs onto the customer. This way everyone gets a video which in turn will boost your social media presence!

You can also try special promotions, for example if you have multiple rides with a Revl X video system installed you could try offering a special deal if they buy videos on both rides.

Observe and find opportunities: 

Take some time to assess your customer journey and see how well you are currently doing on all of the things outlined. Take some time to listen to how your staff is up-selling videos, are they knowledgeable about the video system? Do they have an incentive to push video sales? Maybe the person who sells the most videos could be rewarded. Listen to what kinds of questions your customers have about video, and try and find a way to tell people what they want to know before they ask. 


Informing your customers about video throughout the journey, informing them of why video is worth the purchase, making your booth highly visible, accessible, and an instinctive next step, and exciting customers by showing them what they could have. You can try all of these methods, or just one. It’s entirely up to you!

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